Hey You Quotes

75 “Hey You Quotes” To Light-up Your Mood

“Hey you…” quotes are very popular among social media. And why not, such quotes are very engaging and interesting ones. They’re just like a personal note to yourself. 

Looking for some Quotes about “Hey you”? Then you’re in the right place. Sharing the list of unique quotes that inspire and probably make you smile too. So read it out and inform us which one you relate to the most. Moreover, don’t forget to share it with your friends and loved ones. 

Best Hey you quotes

Best Hey you quotes

Hey you, You are special to this world. So take care. 

Hey you, Don’t focus on what they are saying. You are more than they say.

Hey you, You are not alone. Remember that.

Hey you, Just be yourself. 

Hey you, Never lose yourself. Okay?

Hey you, Keep going and never look back.

Hey you, You are awesome.

Hey you, Follow your passion and ignore everything.

Hey you, Aim to collect more experiences and lessons from life.

Hey you, Just let them go.

Hey you, You can do it. 

Hey you, Never compare yourself to anyone.

Hey you, Feel proud of yourself.

Hey you, Don’t let them control you.

Hey you, Never quit. 

Also read: 101 Unique Quotes On Life

Funny Hey you quotes

Funny Hey You Quotes

Hey Bestie, together we both can have fun in hell, too.

Hey Haters, .. you are my genuine followers. 

Hey you, Yes, keep reading and don’t skip.

Hey you, Stop staring at my crush.

Hey you, Mind other’s business. But, not mine. Please.

Hey you, I seriously don’t know you.

Hey you, Not you, the person beside you.

Hey you, Just get lost and never show up again. 

Hey you, I’m not a fool like you.

Hey you, Wake up. Are you asleep?

Hey you, Why are you?

Hey you, Hiiii. 

Hey you, Stop stealing my status.

Hey you, Who are you?

Hey you, Don’t forget to subscribe to us. Okay?

Also read: 95 Other Ways To Say Thank You

Hey you quotes for her

Hey you quotes for her

Hey you, You are beautiful as always.

Hey you, Love yourself, first. 

Hey you, I love you. Do you know that?

Hey you, What do you want to eat tonight?

Hey you, Trust me, you are cute.

Hey you, You are my first love.

Hey you, Never forget to be awesome.

Hey you, Don’t ever leave me alone. 

Hey you, I really miss you a lot. 

Hey you, You are the only one.

Hey you, I am still waiting for your reply.

Hey you, I’ll never forget you in my life.

Hey you, Remember the day when we met for the first time.

Hey you, All I want is YOU.

Hey you, I’ll be there for you.

Also read: 15 Promise To Yourself: To Follow in 2021

Hey you quotes for him

Hey you quotes for him

Hey you, Be a man and not a kid.

Hey you, You deserve this in life. Remember that.

Hey you, Never stop growing in life.

Hey you, Your family are waiting for you.

Hey you, Someone still loves you.

Hey you, Let her go. And move on in life. 

Hey you, Focus on your career. 

Hey you, Time to prepare for tomorrow’s exam. 

Hey you, I wish you were there. 

Hey you, Nobody understands me better than you.

Hey you, I really trust you.

Hey you, Everything will be alright. 

Hey you, Best wishes for your business.

Hey you, Why are you reading my status on repeat?

Hey you, Don’t do it, next time. Alright?

Also read: Don’t Take Life Too Seriously, Friend

Hey you smile quotes

Hey you smile quotes

Hey you smile, You look beautiful.

Hey you smile, This is called ‘Life’.

Hey you smile, Someone cares for you. 

Hey you smile, I’m here for you.

Hey you smile, It happens.

Hey you smile, Your dreams will definitely come true.

Hey you smile, Forget it and move on in life.

Hey you smile, laugh it out. That’s nothing we can do here. 

Hey you smile, You are amazing.

Hey you smile, and do something for yourself.

Hey you smile, Because happiness is everything.

Hey you smile, this time will pass. 

Hey you smile, and don’t take it personally. 

Hey you smile, Because you look cute while smiling.

Hey you smile, If you like this post.

Also read: Do you know?? You’re Born Leader.

Hey you, What are you thinking?

We hope you like these fresh Hey you quotes. Do you have something to share with us? Then feel free to share your experiences and thoughts in the comment section below. 

And, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog. Something exciting is coming. So stay tuned!!
