How to Handle Severe Emotional Distress

How to Handle Severe Emotional Distress: A Guide

Last updated on July 29th, 2021 at 03:44 am

Everyone experiences ups and downs. However, not everyone deals with emotional distress in the same way.

While it’s true that people experience varying levels of traumatic events that can lead to a diverse range of reactions, a lot of how we deal with things depends on our personalities.

For example, someone who suffers from severe emotional distress can have a hard time coping with seemingly insignificant issues, circumstances, and events.

The problem is, our brains form stronger neurological pathways the more we behave in certain ways. This is how habits and addictions form. The question then, is how do we overcome these overwhelming feelings?

Keep reading for our top tips on dealing with emotional distress.

Reach Out to Friends and Family for Support

Humans are designed to be social creatures.

Though there are some exceptions, most of us enjoy having close friends and family members to share our lives with. We crave interpersonal interaction and often come to rely on others for emotional support.

This is good. Learn how to lean on your friends and family members when you’re having severe emotional distress. They can help calm you down simply by being there.

Also read: Losing friends in your 20s ?? No, it’s not your Faults.


Learn How to Reframe Your Thoughts

One of the most important steps in coping with emotional distress is learning how to change negative thought patterns.

If you experience severe emotional distress, over time, you’ve taught your mind to react strongly to anything that’s upsetting.

Learn how to reframe your thoughts. Practice deep breathing techniques while rationalizing your problems in your head. This will help you learn how to tolerate distress much more effectively.


Seek Counseling

In some cases, people need professional guidance when learning how to handle emotional distress. And that’s okay.

A professional therapist, counselor, or psychiatrist will be able to give you the tools necessary to overcome emotional distress. They can teach you how to maintain your composure in high-stress situations, and give you exercises to change chronic negative thought patterns.


Decide Who You Will Be and How You Will Handle Unpleasant Feeling and Circumstances

Suffering from severe emotional distress isn’t necessarily a choice you made for yourself. However, you can make a choice to get better. Decide who you want to be and how you want to handle your emotions beforehand.

Visualize potential stressful situations. However, instead of worrying about them, picture yourself as strong-minded and competent. As this “new” person, how would you handle emotional distress?

Then, put theory into practice. The next time a real stressful situation arises, become the person you invented in your mind and handle the event with grace and strength.


Focus on the Good Things in Your Life

Finally, try to maintain perspective the next time you’re experiencing severe emotional distress. Instead of focusing on the negative issue, think about all the good things in your life and focus on the positive. Ask yourself, “Does this really matter?”

Even if the answer is yes, try to rationalize its effect on your life.

For example, if the current political climate is a trigger for you, think about how it affects your personal life on a daily basis. Odds are, it probably doesn’t.

Also read: 108 Things To Be Thankful For In Your Life


Looking for Help With Severe Emotional Distress and Other Self-Improvement Advice?

Suffering from severe emotional distress can feel overwhelming at times.

It can seem like your life is ruled by your emotions. Start taking positive steps now to gain control of your mind and overcome your emotional issues.

And if you’re looking for more on health and wellness, be sure to check out some of our other content before you go.

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